Friday, September 7, 2007

Pilates vs Yoga: Pilates is better

Pilates is fantastic! I have read about Pilates many years ago, and I cannot believe it took me so long to join my first class. There was a lot of muscle toning without vigorous exercises, and just after one session, I felt my muscles were toned, and my arms were no longer flabby.

In fact, I think Pilates is even better than yoga. My body does not ache that much after classes, and yet I feel great. Actually, Pilates comes from yoga, but it is more into body sculpting compared to yoga, which is more into holistic spiritual development. This includes more callisthenic-style exercises and stretches compared to the Pilates that use machines.

We used our legs to draw circles in the air, and we also raised our legs. A member in the class mentioned that the instructor had lost all her pregnant fats within a short period of time. Pilates must really work then. My legs threatened to shake uncontrollably, but it was not as bad as yoga.

I just found an audio that teaches Pilates. So far, I found the instructions clear, and easy to follow. I seriously think I can do this at home. I think my tummy will definitely flatten in time for my wedding photos.

I think I will be on task to reach my goal if I keep up with cardio exercises and toning exercises.


Teresa Shiu said...

Personally i feel Pilates is better than yoga, at least for my own body. If you are interested to know more about Pilates, feel free to browse my blog:, you can leave me messages or questions and we can exchange opinion and ideas :)

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