Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pimple Outbreak from Exercising

I’ve been getting pimple outbreak this week, and I thought I had already got rid of this teenage problem. The pimples are huge and painful. I wondered whether it was due to stress, but it couldn’t be because I had always been very stressed at work. While at the gym a few days ago, I overheard some aunties talking and I realized the cause of my problem – makeup.

This auntie told her friend that she must definitely remove her makeup before exercising. If not, the pores would be clogged and this is bad for the skin. She went on and on while I tried to work out my calve and thigh muscles and I continued to eavesdrop.

I know I have to remove my makeup daily before I sleep, because the pores need to breathe. But what about exercising? Exercising increases our temperature and this will make harmful agents sink into our pores. Oh man, usually I go to the gym after work, and I have makeup on. I don’t bring my makeup remover out. It’s so troublesome.

However, with a sudden pimple outbreak, especially since I’ve only started putting makeup regularly again, I think it’s because of the exercise. I think maybe I can go and buy some makeup remover wet tissue. Exercising is supposed to be good for the skin! Sigh! Beauty comes first.

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